About our Program:
Our curriculum aligns with the Rhode Island Early Learning & Developmental Standards (RIELDS) to provide children with the confidence and readiness skills necessary to transition successfully to kindergarten. The RIELDS can be accessed online in English and Spanish at www.RIELDS.com.
Our classrooms utilize the InvestiGator Club curriculum, which builds upon children’s natural curiosity about the world and their place in it. Through “purposeful inquiry”, children learn to use their senses, ask questions and find answers in a supportive, print-rich environment.
We support each child’s social-emotional development through the trauma-informed, evidence-based Conscious Discipline program.
Community Peers must have a Child Outreach screening and be potty trained. Child Outreach Screening Program screens children ages 3- 5, before kindergarten entry. Screening serves as a first step in identifying children who may have a disability or developmental delay and require intervention.
To book an appointment with Child Outreach for your child's screening please contact:

Mission Statement
It is the mission of the South Kingstown Preschool (SKP) to create a loving, nurturing, and productive environment, which respectfully embraces the value of each child, family, faculty member, and community partner. We maintain high expectations for all children, with the fundamental understanding that each child can learn, given instruction that is built upon their unique strengths and learning style. By committing to putting the needs of children first and pooling our resources as needed, we strive to assist each child in reaching their full potential during these precious and important early years.
Please note there is no school for preschool students the third Friday of each month.