Science: Goal:The faculty, staff, and families of Peace Dale Elementary School will support and engage all students to reach increasingly higher levels of academic  science proficiency.


Action  Step

Unit of Measure



Baseline Data

Students will improve science NECAP scores by 5%

Students will be introduced to GEMS Net Science Kits and utilize strategies for inquiry based science:

  • notebooks

  • text supporting content

Students will utilize the scientific process appropriate to their level

Connect previous learning to current units

Participate in inquiry tasks regularly aligned to their grade level

Answer questions based on their unit of study using key vocabulary

Use notebooks to hold scientific information including- graphs, pictures, labels and writing all tied to science content and scientific strategies and process.

Have students to use notebooks to synthesize information within a unit

In other classes except science students will connect the relevance of the inquiry process

Grade 4 teachers will present science requirements for grade 4 students success in NECAP connecting content across grade levels- using  benchmark student work samples


Science notebook observation

Utilize NECAP test sample questions and data to drive instruction


End of unit science assessments


NECAP test scores analysis

Science test scores and/or formative/ summative assessments where applicable

Teachers, principal

Itinerant teachers

Grade 4 teachers and principal

60% met benchmark 2014

Writing- Goal: The faculty, staff, and families of Peace Dale Elementary School will support and engage all students to reach increasingly higher levels of academic writing proficiency.


Action Step

Unit of Measure




Students will participate in writing instruction based on Writer’s Workshop Model  and Columbia University Teachers College

Students will write in a minimum of four units of study

Students will write daily building stamina and knowledge about writing within a genre

Students will write using mentor texts and authors

Train with Columbia University and district coaches to plan and implement writing lessons

Utilize resources and lessons aligned to writing units of study

Differentiate instruction through conferring with students

Confer with students to assist with goal setting for each student

Calibrate for scoring of end of unit assessments to determine student needs and accomplishments



Conferring notes


End of unit assessments

Rubrics to score student writing

Composite scores reflective of student growth for each unit using pre and post writing samples

District, principal, coaches, Classroom teachers

Classroom teachers

classroom teachers and coaches

Teachers, students and coaches

Coaches and teachers

On demand writing

End of year

Math- Goal:The faculty, staff, and families of Peace Dale Elementary School will support and engage all students to reach increasingly higher levels of academic math proficiency.


Action Step

Unit of Measure




Students will receive academic support based on need:

  • Numeracy

  • Computational fluency

  • Geometry and measurement

Students will receive core instruction daily with opportunity for differentiation within the daily lesson

Homework will reflect practice of past and current unit of study

Use intervention block  to support students in need of math support and enrich those that are on or above grade level

After school intervention program for grade 2 students

Regularly scheduled data days to analyze progress of students

Develop PMPs for students falling below benchmark based on unit assessments and STAR data

STAR test data

District end of unit assessments

PMP progress monitoring

Test data

classroom teacher



STEM Coordinator, principal and intervention teacher


The Whole Child-Goal: The faculty, staff, and families of Peace Dale Elementary School will support and engage all students to reach increasingly higher levels of social, emotional and behavioral proficiency.


Action Step

Unit of Measure




Students will demonstrate expected behaviors outlined in school wide PBIS and Olweus anti bully program

Students will self select learning targets, self monitor and show positive growth with making appropriate choices for physical, social and emotional well being

Students will  receive supports and intervention based on need

Build cultural proficiency of all students- celebrating diversity

All staff and students will receive Olweus training

Explicitly teach Olweus Anti bullying strategies

Survey students (grade4) based on previous data re: hot spots for bullying behavior

Yellow slips will be used to process and track behavioral data, and determine needs

Establish PBIS student ambassadors

Establish behavior team to assist teachers with tier  supports

Organize school wide learning celebration opportunities- PBIS assemblies, Celebration of Learning night- expanded, cultural events offered by PTO, DLI program family communication

Promote school initiatives including :DLI, writing, the arts

Skyward and yellow slip information

Olweus survey


progress monitoring

2x a month meet w/ team


test data Estralita

PBIS team

PBIS team

Behavior team,

principal, parents

classroom teachers, itinerant teachers and principal

Staff, parents, students

Cultural competency standards